Who We Are
Your well-being is the priority ...
Through quality support at home, semi independent placements and supported living for adult specialist services, we help Service Users gain the life skills they need to build the foundations for independent living.
Everything at Gleam Healthcare is designed to create an atmosphere of home, safety, warmth and care, whilst keeping its function as an exceptionally innovative and well-run service.
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01302 496 013
About Gleam Healthcare
Supporting you regain your independence
We understand the complexities of unique and individualised needs. We work with the individual from initial assessment to identify the most appropriate placement or support package in order to promote their welfare and achieve positive and meaningful outcomes. As we work from an enablement Ethos, we understand the importance or reflexive and targeted interventions.
Gleam Healthcare provide Home care, placement and accommodation for care leavers, semi-independent living, and supported living specialist adult spervices.